DLI Downloader 0.24 Released!
DLI Downloader 0.24 is an upgrade for DLID-Lite and DLID-Toy based mainly on feedback from users. DLID 0.23 was a major release and included all 9 versions and was released in July 2011. The main difference between DLID 0.24 and DLID 0.23 is that, DLID 0.24 is more fault-tolerant and can cope better with difficult network conditions. If you are having repeated problems getting books with DLID 0.23, you must upgrade to DLID 0.24. Otherwise, you need not. The details given below for DLID 0.23, apply for DLID 0.24 also.
You can download DLID 0.24 from:
www.sanskritdocuments.org/scannedbooks/dlidownloader OR from here.
The Digital Library of India initiative has scanned and placed online, over 250,000 books on various subjects. Thousands of these books touch upon Indology, Sanskrit literature and Hindu religious texts, including the Vedas and other scriptures. A lot of them are rare and not easily available elsewhere. Books come from many places like the TTD/RSVP Sanskrit university at Tirupati, Sringeri Math etc. But, accessing the books has been extremely hard due to the terrible catalog and reading features provided by the DLI's servers. PR Labs has been providing free software to easily find and download rare books from the DLI. One click install- One click downloads. You can directly get neatly formatted Adobe PDF books using this program.
The most recent version is DLI Downloader 0.23. It is available in three forms- DLID Complete, DLID Lite and DLID Toy. It works on major platforms like Windows, Linux and OS X, and through Java WebStart on other platforms. DLID 0.23 uses a much smarter downloading engine and is several times faster. It also has a number of new optimization, data integrity and fault tolerance features in order to cope with tough server conditions. Check FAQ #5 for the new features in DLID Complete, and this and this for DLID Lite and DLID Toy. Download links follow below.
Thank You! We thank the thousands of DLID 0.2x users worldwide. We encourage you to try our new versions and support our team and partners' efforts as well as the DLI's efforts in whatever ways you can. Also, as it represents the heritage of a great land and people in some form, never abuse the DLI. We hope our small works here, both enrich your lives in a small way, as well as spur you to your own, even greater good works.
You can download DLID 0.2x from:
www.sanskritdocuments.org/scannedbooks/dlidownloader OR from here .
Be sure to read the user manual provided with the software. For more tips on using and troubleshooting info, see the FAQ page. If you have trouble installing or uninstalling, please see one of the download sites for help.
Catalogs listing the availability of scans of ALL Sanskrit books are built in. Use them to find books easily. DLI's own site doesn't provide this information. In fact, these catalogs are more useful than DLID 0.2x!
You don't have to use the DLID 0.23 only for Sanskrit/Indology related books; DLI has books on all topics, mostly in English (200,000 of 250,000). DLID 0.23 can get those too for you. Do note that depending on traffic, the DLI servers can be flaky; if you have trouble downloading books, it is most probably due to DLI's server issues.
Feel free to share DLID 0.23 where you like, but don't widely redistribute it without informing us. DLID 0.23 is 100% clean and legitimate software. As long as you comply with copyright laws in your jurisdiction and download only out of copyright books, using DLID 0.23 is also 100% legal.
DLID 0.3 will support a few more libraries and not just the DLI, by tying into our TFIC site: We are also providing more hard-to-access books at "The Free Indological Collection" on archive.org (uploads/cataloging in progress). The project URL is www.sanskritdocuments.org/tfic
At the moment a few hundred books are available at TFIC. Eventually, there will be thousands available for ready download. This is better than having to access them through DLID 0.2x.
If you find any bugs, please email: dli.downloader[[at]]yahoo.com but, only after reading the guidelines given in the FAQ.
NOTE: This is not a "real" blog with new posts on a timeline. This one post is updated as needed as also the FAQ page. Please check both often for the most current information.
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